2017.12.21 Emissary Announces Corporate Status Change
I am pleased to announce that on December 1, 2017, Emissary Computer Solutions changed its corporate status from a limited liability company (Yugen Kaisha / YK) to a joint stock company (Kabushiki Kaisha / KK).
The new name of the company is: Emissary Computer Solutions KK
Emissary has been supporting domestic and international clients in Japan since 1997. I would like to thank all of our clients, partners and vendors for their support over the last 20 years. It has been a pleasure to work with you all and I look forward to continuing to do so as a Kabushiki Kaisha.
This new chapter marks an opportunity for Emissary to expand and grow our services.

We look forward to assisting you with your ever-expanding IT support needs. Please contact us to see how we can help.
Thank you,

Emissary Computer Solutions KK
2017.06.01 Renewing our Commitment to Business Continuity Support
As businesses across Japan process the risks that the WannaCry Ransomware Cyber Attack exposed, Emissary and other IT professionals are renewing the warnings and concerns that they have shared over the last several years.
The fact that more than 230,000 computers in over 150 countries were infected over the weekend of the attack (before an effective kill switch was found) indicates that we in the IT industry perhaps have not done a good job at effectively describing the extreme risks to business continuity that ransomware and other forms of malware represent. As IT professionals it is our duty to prepare businesses with the necessary tools to recover from attacks like WannaCry as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Emissary has partnered with Blueshift Data Protection for over 10 years to provide our customers with secure, encrypted backup to multiple offsite locations.
Together, Emissary and Blueshift provide comprehensive disaster recovery management and services. We urge you to consider your disaster recovery options and to come to us with any questions you may have.
Let us help prepare you for the next attack. We're here to help.
2016.10.17 Parts Management
Emissary is pleased to announce that our Tokyo and Osaka locations have been outfitted to store parts for our customers in Japan. Please contact us for further details on how we can provide storage as part of current and future contracts.
Thank you!
The Emissary Team
2016.09.01 Emissary Increases Smart Hands Offering
Emissary is pleased to announce that we will be providing smart hands for hardware replacement on Enterprise Level IT Equipment throughout Japan. We are already working with several partners to provide local hands and feet for their customers in Japan. We would like to add you to our growing list of international multi-level support and 3rd party warranty partners!
2016.05.23 Emissary Launches New Website
Emissary Computer Solutions is proud to announce the launch of their new website. Our goal is to provide IT solutions that make it easier for our clients (both our current clients and those we have yet to meet) to focus on their own business goals and free themselves of concerns with the Information Technology they use to achieve those goals.