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How I use Yoshinkan Aikido in Business - Part III

Posted on 2017.06.25

Welcome back to my series of how I apply Yoshinkan Aikido in Business.

Thanks for coming back!

Part I of this series was about focusing on goals.
Part II was about handling failure.

In this post, I am going to ...

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How I use Yoshinkan Aikido in Business - Part II

Posted on 2017.06.19

Welcome back to my series of how I apply Yoshinkan Aikido in Business.

Thanks for coming back!

I summarized Part I of this series with the thought that, "We should all remember that we need to stay focused on our goals, to ...

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How I use Yoshinkan Aikido in Business - Part I

Posted on 2017.06.09

Many people know that I came to Japan in 1993 to participate in the 3rd International Yoshinkan Aikido Instructors Course. This intensive martial arts course is taught in conjunction with the Tokyo Riot Police and was later portrayed by Robert ...

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IT Services in the New IT Era

Posted on 2017.06.08

With digital technologies, social media, cloud-based IT and operational process automation on the rise, new business-IT roles are emerging. CIOs have an opportunity to re-imagine IT and build the hybrid business and IT skills their new ...

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Posted on 2017.06.02

Elon Musk may have been talking about bigger things than Ransomware when he said, “Some people don't like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster. “

But when Ransomware hits your organization ...

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